NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Maths Chapter 9,Algebraic Expressions And Identities, Exercise 9.3

Class 8, Maths, Chapter 9, Exercise 9.3, Solutions

Q.1. Carry out the multiplication of the expressions in each of the following pairs.

(i) 4p,q + r

(ii) ab,a – b

(iii) a+b,7a2b2

(iv) a2 – 9,4a

(v) pq + qr + rp,0


(i) 4p,q + r

⇒    4p × (q+ r)

⇒    (4p × q) + (4p×r)  

⇒    4pq + 4pr         (Ans.)


(ii) ab,a – b

⇒    ab (a –b)

⇒    (ab×a)-(ab×b) 

⇒    a2b – ab2           (Ans.)


(iii) a+b, 7a2b2

⇒    (a + b) × 7a2b2

⇒    (a ×7a2b2) + (b ×7a2b2)

⇒    7a3b2 + 7a2b3    (Ans.)


(iv) a2 – 9,4a

⇒    (a2 – 9) × 4a

⇒   (a2 × 4a) – (9 × 4a)

⇒    4a3 – 36a          (Ans.)


(v) pq + qr + rp,0

⇒    (pq + qr + rp) × 0

= 0                 (Ans.)

Q.2. Complete the table.

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Chapter 9, Algebraic Expressions and Identities, Ex.9.3 Q.2

Q.3. Find the product.

(i) (a2)×(2a22)×(4a26)

(ii) $\left( \frac{2}{3}xy \right)\times \left( \frac{-9}{10}{{x}^{2}}{{y}^{2}} \right)$

(iii)  $\left( -\frac{10}{3}p{{q}^{3}} \right)\times \left( \frac{6}{5}{{p}^{3}}q \right)$

(iv) x×x2 × x3 × x4

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Chapter 9, Algebraic Expressions and Identities, Ex.9.3 Q.3

Q.4. (a) Simplify 3x(4x–5)+3 and find its values for (i) x=3 (ii) x= $\frac{1}{2}$

(b) Simplify a(a2+a+1)+5 and find its value for (i) a=0, (ii) a=1 (iii) a= –1

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Chapter 9, Algebraic Expressions and Identities, Ex.9.3 Q.4 (a)

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Chapter 9, Algebraic Expressions and Identities, Ex.9.3 Q.4 (b)

Q.5. (a) Add: p(p–q),q(q–r) and r(r–p)

(b) Add: 2x(z–x–y) and 2y (z–y–x)

(c) Subtract: 3l(l – 4 m+5n) from 4l(10n –3 m+2l)

(d) Subtract: 3a(a+b+ c) –2b(a–b+c) from 4c(–a+b+c)

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Chapter 9, Algebraic Expressions and Identities, Ex.9.3 Q.5

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Maths Chapter 9, Algebraic Expressions and Identities (All Exercises)