NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Chapter 10, Visualising Solid Shapes, Exercise 10.2

Class 8, Maths, Chapter 10, Exercise 10.2 Solutions

Q.1. Look at the given map of a city.

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Chapter 10, Visulisation of Shapes , Exercise 10.2, Q.1 Chart 1

Answer the following.

(a) Colour the map as follows: Blue-water, red-fire station, orange-library, yellow

– schools, Green – park, Pink – College, Purple – Hospital, Brown – Cemetery.

(b) Mark a green ‘X’ at the intersection of Road ‘C’ and Nehru Road, Green ‘Y’ at the intersection of Gandhi Road and Road A.

(c) In red, draw a short street route from Library to the bus depot.

(d) Which is further east, the city park or the market?

(e) Which is further south, the primary school or the Sr. Secondary School?


NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Chapter 10, Visulisation of Shapes , Exercise 10.2, Q.1 Chart 2 (a)

(b) Mark a green ‘X’ at the intersection of Road ‘C’ and Nehru Road, Green ‘Y’ at the intersection of Gandhi Road and Road A.

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Chapter 10, Visulisation of Shapes , Exercise 10.2, Q.1 Chart 2 (b)

(c) In red, draw a short street route from Library to the bus depot.

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Chapter 10, Visulisation of Shapes , Exercise 10.2, Q.1 Chart 2 (c)

(d)  the city park is further east.

(e) Sr. Secondary School is further south.

Q.2. Draw a map of your class room using proper scale and symbols for different objects.

Ans: Discuss with teacher 

Q.3. Draw a map of your school compound using proper scale and symbols for various features like play ground main building, garden etc.

Ans: Discuss with teacher.

Q.4. Draw a map giving instructions to your friend so that she reaches your house without any difficulty.

Ans: Discuss with teacher.

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Maths, Chapter 10, Visulisation of Shapes (All Exercises)