NCERT Solution For Class 10, Maths, Chapter 14 Statistics

In NCERT Solution For Class 10, Maths, Chapter 14, Statistics, we will study mean, median and mode from ungrouped data to that of grouped data. In Class IX, we have studied the classification of given data into ungrouped as well as grouped frequency distributions. We have also learnt to represent the data pictorially in the form of various graphs such as bar graphs, histograms and frequency polygons. and also learnt how to find mean, median and mode by using formula. in Class 10, Maths, chapter 14 we shall also discuss the concept of cumulative frequency, the cumulative frequency distribution and how to draw cumulative frequency curves, called ogives.

NCERT Solutions For Class 10, Maths, Chapter 14, Statistics

Class 10 , Maths, Chapter 14, Statistics (All exercise)

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for class 10 maths Chapter 14 Statistics

What is the importance of Chapter 14 of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths?

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 14, Statistics, is an important chapter as it introduces students to the fundamentals of data analysis and representation. Here are some of the key reasons why this chapter is important:

  • Understanding data: This chapter helps students to understand how to collect and analyze data effectively. It teaches them the basics of statistical analysis and how to represent data in a meaningful way.
  • Decision making: Statistical analysis is crucial in making informed decisions in various fields such as economics, finance, marketing, and more. By understanding the concepts in this chapter, students can make informed decisions based on data analysis.
  • Real-world applications: The concepts covered in this chapter have a wide range of real-world applications. For example, understanding statistics is important in fields such as medicine, engineering, and social sciences.
  • Exam preparation: Chapter 14 of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths is an important topic that is often included in various competitive exams. By mastering the concepts covered in this chapter, students can prepare effectively for such exams and increase their chances of scoring well.

Overall, the concepts covered in Chapter 14 of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths are essential for students to build a strong foundation in statistics, which is a crucial skill in various fields.

What will I learn in NCERT Solutions for class 10 maths Chapter 14 Statistics? 

Here are the key concepts that you will learn in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 14, Statistics:

  • Introduction to statistics
  • Mean, median, and mode
  • Cumulative frequency
  • Graphical representation of data – bar graph, histogram, and frequency polygon
  • Measures of dispersion – range and mean deviation
  • Understanding standard deviation
  • Probability – basic concepts and its applications
  • Real-world applications of statistics

By studying these concepts, you will develop a strong understanding of the fundamentals of statistics, including how to collect and analyze data, represent it in various graphical formats, and understand basic concepts of probability. This will help you develop analytical and decision-making skills that are useful in a wide range of fields.